Friday, February 4, 2011

Gorillaz : "The Fall" album

Hello there!  :D

As you can see, I have painted the Gorillaz album cover from their latest album "THE FALL"  (which came out winter of 2009 & they were generous enough to give out their songs for FREE as a Christmas gift - for a limited time)  If you have missed out on their Christmas gift, have no worries!  You can STILL have access to listen to the list of their songs at:    :D

What i about THE FALL is how different it is from Plastic Beach.  The Fall  has a heavy experimental sound to each of their songs, playful as well, which always makes them the DARING musicians that they have always been.  Besides having experimental sounds, this album is also very light in a sense of it having chill/calm songs mixed in with Dub, Electro., Synth and Funk.
     Hey! Heeyy now! Let's not forget about the lyrics as well!  The lyrics are mixed in perfectly with the tone/mood of the sounds of the songs that i favor (below)  in which automatically got me tuned in emotionally.  <3


Always breaking the grounds of  music and what is music  =  Gorillaz  

Below are the songs that i favor the most:

Bobby in Phoenix
California and The Slipping of The Sun
Aspen Forest 
The Speak it Mountains
HillBilly Man
The Joplin Spider
Revolving Doors
The Snake in Dallas


This album review is brought to you by Anna, the twin sister of Eliza  :P 

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