Escape Into Chris - Entry 10 Posted: 30 Mar 2011 11:17 AM PDT March 2005 – Normal, IL"How do I trust or learn to trust? How do I place faith in simply being myself and not strive so hard to be the world's next great author? When if ever will I be able to not think about writing. My consciousness, dominated by a few ideas branching off from one main purpose – I must be a great writer. If I was only a writer, then I could take my time. But I'm constantly reminded of the clock. And it removes me from the experience of life itself. I would like to see my writing become something – I would like to let go also. My mind is obsessed. Can it become un-obsessed when I feed that obsession every day, nearly every minute. What is that vital fluid that circulates my veins like hot lava? Will I ever know that the same substance – in the end – will kill me? Like my mother whose spark was too intense, I see her – in me."
Finalllly I get to show you all MY TALENT!! :D I LOOOOVE FASHION ILLUSTRATION, AND HAVE A BIG PASSION FOR IT!! And just illustration in general ♥! I mainly come up with my own fashion ideas, and don't really do copy drawings, but I'm afraid if I put up my fashion illustrations based on my own fashion ideas, I'm afraid someone will copy my ideas, and I reallllly don't want that to happen. So I decided to draw a model from the EXPRESS Catalog to show you my fashion illustration style. :)
Drawn with a H pencil, Colored with Prisma color pencils & prisma markers and used acrylic white paint on the belt, earrings, bracelets, and clutch
I'm self taught in fashion illustration, and have been doing it for 6 to 7 yrs! :DWow....LOL, I had to count how many yrs I have been drawing fashion. I'm shocked, and proud of myself.Because looking back when I was starting out, I would look on deviant art for fashion illustrations, and say...WOW! I WANT TO DRAW LIKE THAT! I WANT TO BE SOO GOOD! And here I am...I am drawing pretty good, and coloring damn good! I amaze myself sometimes when it comes to my talent, and how far I have come.:) I LOVE Fashion & Art P.S. : Sorry for not looking back and making a comment to my followers, I've been busy with my class studying for the final, and that is why I haven't been post anything new, till today for which I had some time. :D Follow my blog with bloglovin
Escape Into Chris - Entry 8 Posted: 23 Mar 2011 12:14 PM PDT 
March 2005 – Normal, IL"… Greatness is not assumed, it is earned and I have not earned it yet. These are just my thoughts, they are not public displays of art. Why to write art you need a form, like a poem or a short story, or a novel. Those are the buildings. But a journal, a journal is not timeless, it is transitory, fleeting like butterfly wings. One flap, and they're gone. We so want to assert our spirits upon this earth. My mother, why hers casts a light across the family, her artwork, a colorful mural once foregrounded, now subtle, behind us. Where will her son come out? There needs to be industry. What will I produce, just these 25 year old thoughts? Language must be handled deftly, it must be learned from masters. This is not a vacation here on earth. We are expected to leave legacies for our children and if our children were never born, those who we love instead, but build we must. We must express the unexpressed, the eternal must seep through the words. And silence must fill our ears with images so resolute that we shy aware from their gaze. Our discussion is only with ourselves, we are forever talking back into our womb until our mother hears us calling back into her. We must warn our families, tell them to stop before they begin. These creatures have spirits. these animals have real hearts. We're alive and song pours out of us. We're so much of life we cannot hide from our own enormousness, impossible faith, beyond beyond…"
Family stopped at Wal-mart to pick up something before heading to aunts place, so twin pointed out the pay phones for a cool background setting, and we took this pic. ♥ At aunts apartment building. Outside the apartment, but still within the apartment building. :) LOOVE THE HUDE WIDE POCKETS OF THAT DRESS!! :D Very roomy, lol. Love this rock! Goes with my chain ring, a possible future idea :D I took that rock with me, lol. Oh, by the way, I tried to do the half moon nail design, and it was a lil hard to do, didn't come out so even the half moons on each nail. :/ First time making it, hopefully next time it will come out BETTER! :D Found this rock, and I looked at it, and was like...IT'S ALMOST A HEART SHAPED ROCK!! I also took this rock with me LOL. I'm going to shape it up into a heart, and maybe make a necklace out of it? idk yet. :) Long sleeve shirt-Merona Short Sleeve Cowl Shirt-American Rag Dress- Some asian store, near the Grove Leggings-H&M Sneakers-Converse Bag-H&M 2 Chain Ring-I made it.
Taken with my cell :D  
On Friday my family and I went to go visit my aunt and her family, and this is what I wore. I put this outfit together the day I went, and the day before (Thursday) I did my nails black and white, and I had no idea, I would wear a black and white outfit on Friday, lol. While waiting for dinner at my aunts apartment, my twin and I decided to go and take pics outside, but within the apartment building, it was fun :D. Later after dinner, my cousin, twin and I took a walk to the mall (they live right next to the mall :D lol), we went to H&M, and OHHH GOD, DO I MISS SHOPPING!!! LOL! I haven't shopped at alll this yr!!! I was looking everywhere, I loooved most of the sweaters, pullovers, knit loose tank tops, and a reallly nice vintagey dress with pleats, lace and a bit of ruffles, soooo CUUUUTE!!! I did a really stupid thing, I FORGOT MY BAG @ MY AUNTS APARTMENT!!! :((( So I didn't buy anything, and plus, I was soo angry that I forgot my bag, because my twins camera was in THE BAG!!! And we wanted to take window shopping pics and what not for the blog, to show you guys, ughhhhhhhhh....wtg Eliza -.-. But I know why I totally forgot my bag at my aunts apartment, it's because I had a stomach ache after dinner, that I was really distracted from the pain. >.< NEXT TIME THOUGH!! lol. :D After H&M we were just walking around, and then my cousin wanted to check out the apple store to look at the new ipads, and OMGODDDDDDDDD!!!!!! I GOT TO HOLD THE IPAD!!! LOL I WAS HAVING SOOO MUCH FUUUN!!! MY FINGERS WERE IN DISNEYLAND LOL!!! This was my first time being an a Apple store, and holding the ipad, sooo while exploring it, I went on safari annnnnd....first site I wanted to check out was.....MY BLOG!!! LOL :D WOW, IT WAS SOO COOL TO SEE MY BLOG ON THE IPAD 2!! ♥! My fav app, is the sketchpad, was fun doodling with my cousin :D I also had LOOADS OF FUN PLAYING A GAME ON THERE!!! OMGOD I WANT THE IPAD!! I mean I always wanted the ipad since it came out, but oh BOY! It's NEEDED!! It's perfect, because instead of taking my sketchpad around with me, I could just take the ipad, and just doodle/sketch ideas on it, instead of waisting paper, yeah, I'm just thinking green here... :D lol. So, since the camera wasn't with us, I took some pics with my cell, as you saw. :) My cousin, twin and I stayed at the apple store LONGER THAN H&M!! LOL! It beat out shopping!!! lol. And next time I go to the mall, twin and I are just gonna stay at the apple store, with the ipads in our hands. :D I love fashion, and shopping, but the's the greatest invention to me, and I REALLLY FUCKING WANT IT! I WANT IT MORE THAN CLOOOTHES!!! LOL
**All pics taken by my twin** ♥
My picks of what I loved in the color green. :) HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!!
**Did anyone get pinched?** lol ;)
1.Asos-Darling Frill Polka Chiffon Button Through Top 2. Asos -Laser Cut Knitted Sweater 3. Asos- Tabbed Military Woven Mix Sweater 4. Zara-Striped T-shirt 5. Asos-YMC Bow Detail Knit 6. Asos-Vero Moda Printed Strappy Summer Dress 7. Asos-One Teaspoon Leopard Print Denim Shorts 8. Zara-Mini Skirt-With Piping 9. Zara-Ripped Chinos 10. Asos-River Island Military Jumpsuit 11. Asos-Corset Lace Back Trench 12. Asos-DRESSMONSTER Asymmetric Slouchy Tailored Pants 13. Asos-Free People Skinny Military Patch Cargo Pants 14. Asos-Over The Knee Rib Socks 15. Zara-Basic Court Shoe 16. Asos-Lime Boyfriend Belt 17. Asos-Leather '60s Flight Bag 18. Asos-Cambridge Satchel Company 14" Satchel 19. Asos-River Island Floral Tote Bag 20. Asos-Bowler Hat With Chocolate Trim 21. Asos-Lime Green Enamelled Cocktail Ring 22. Zara-Linen Scarf 23. Asos-House of Harlow 1960 14ct Yellow Gold Plated Feather Necklace 24. Asos-Adidas Green Seoul Watch 25. ASOS -Top Bar Frosted Finish Sunglasses
Escape Into Chris - Entry 7 Posted: 17 Mar 2011 02:12 PM PDT
February 2007 – Normal, IL"… My mind is a temple of illusion and I am a false god. True, there is something pure and positive in me but it is hidden so deep, under all the layers of illusion. I seem to know my soul exists but I am constantly running from that source. Instead, I obsess over personal problems and my mind resorts to fantasy – to lusts or material desires. The Buddhists are right about one thing – that we can't trust the mind. The mind is not to be trusted. And yet I listen to the thoughts that run through my head and quickly, I get caught up in my old ways – nervousness, busyness, impatience – never resting in the moment, always rustling. I try to practice awareness but my awareness is not genuine because simultaneously I am giving in to the pleasures of the ego of lusting, of wanting, of fantasizing. I can not be aware without gravitation toward illusion and then my mind becomes more charged with anxiety because now I am self conscious.The ego has a plan for me everyday. Will I follow it? I usually do – that plan leaves me with little satisfaction and more desire. My desires have many faces but the general urge is to have something else to change how I feel by possessing something.What is wrong with how I feel? I feel like time is running out. I feel the need to perform. I feel the pressure to maintain an illusion.My life is mostly an illusion with a grain of the truth. The paradox is that my illusions teach me to become wise. We cannot be led directly to the source, the source is too powerful. We must go by indirection – mistake after mistake we learn to take another route. Once I thought I knew what I wanted. Now I see that I want everything and none of it will help me change the way I feel.I feel the burden of living. The flux, the rise and fall of hopes, the patience involved. Where am I moving toward? Not more illusion but less – I am moving toward the light. These illusions will not save me more. I am not who I thought I was - my talents, my security, my good sense is not what I thought it was. I must tell myself Chris, you are not so wise. Your life is little more than a petty day dream. Wake up. These illusions you drown yourself in – do not trust them – do not trust your mind."
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